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Join our Mental Fitness Program
Negative emotions, including stress, are the result of self-sabotage. Mental fitness allows you to travel the startup journey with a positive mindset and boost performance.

Daniel Kraft
2 min read
Death Brings Clarity - Founders: Stop the Fake Work in Your Startup
Successful founders share one quality: Focus.

Daniel Kraft
2 min read
Entertainment Business Startup Founders
The Startup Path is Paved with Dopamine Junkies How many impressions do you need to close your funding? How many likes are required to...

Daniel Kraft
1 min read
Startups Fail, Founders Grow: Switching the Mindset from Fault-finding to Opportunity.
We’ve worked with over 250 founders, and those who succeed often fail first. In other words, startups fail, but founders grow.

Daniel Kraft
2 min read
Empty Hero - Mental Health for Startup Founders
Mental health is not an event that may hit you or not. It is a critical aspect of startup life and requires our attention.

Daniel Kraft
3 min read
The Fundamentals of Scaling: A Simple Startup Machine as the Path to Revenue.
How to address the challenge of your positioning and your ability to generate leads, develop opportunities, and close deals consistently?

Daniel Kraft
4 min read
The Fundamentals of Positioning. Understand Who Buys, What They Buy, and Why They Buy?
As founders, we believe everyone needs our product. That is rarely the case. Success comes with understanding who is buying what and why.

Daniel Kraft
3 min read
Growth 🚀 Can Wait; Survival ☠️ Cannot!
We’re in a significant market adjustment with massive implications on startup funding.

Stephanie Renda
2 min read
Network:innen zwischen den Welten
Also ist das so, dass wir in der Gründer:innen-Szene noch in den Stereotypen verhaftet sind? Dass man/frau sich nicht einfach auf einen Café

Daniel Kraft
2 min read
Scaling the WHY - How to read your investors / customers minds
Is there a way to measure the why, that emotional miracle that happens when your heart says: Yes, I love it! ❤️

Daniel Kraft
2 min read
Unicorn Liquidity - IPOs are Back
IPOs - especially unicorns - are on track to reach new records. Why do we care? Well, those VCs you're after, care a lot. The cash they...

Daniel Kraft
2 min read
Startup M&A - Unintended Consequences
Acquisitions are a vital tool for startups. To grow by acquisition might come with unintended consequences.

Stephanie Renda
1 min read
Gründer:in sein: Wenn es dich zerreißt
Druck ist für mich, mich wie der Belag in einem Sandwich zu fühlen, wo die Soße rauszulaufen droht. Ich bin Unternehmerin, auf keinen...
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